Since 2014 he is a laboratory technician at the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies, CNR, Rome. He works as a facility manager and gives a technical support to researchers.
In the 2014 he collaborated with the “Centro Gestione Futura” in the University of Rome Tor Vergata as a consultant on security procedures.
In the 2010 he gives a support to research at the project C.H.O.S.E. Center of Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy.
In the 2010 he attended the International School on Organic Photovoltaics (ISOPHOS). The school was focused on the recent scientific and technological progress achieved in the field of organic and hybrid photovoltaics, including Dye Solar Cells and Polymer Solar Cells as main topics.
Since 2010 he works as a Laboratory Manager and Facility Manager for Dye Power Consortium. He gives also a support to research for experimental optimization of industrial line of DSSC (Dye Sensitive Solar Cell), a third generation of photovoltaics solar cell.
In the 2009 he worked as assistant of Energy Manager at GSE Gestore Servizi Energetici – GSE S.p.A., which is a government entitiy that plays a central role in promotion, support and development of renewable energy sources in Italy.
Since 2005 to 2008 he worked as a laboratory technician at the laboratory of physics and materials science in the Department of Physics at Tor Vergata University. During this period he often worked as a consultant for the rational use of energy for Rome municipality and in 2005 he received a municipal grant for an energy saving project.
In 2004 he received two master’s degrees: one on Energy Management and one on International Standars, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Afterwards, he became a consultant for the rational use of energy and an expert in Environmental management & business systems.
He studied at Tor Vergata University and graduated in Materials Science in 2003. The topic of the thesis was to study the correlation between particles of carbon black incorporated into polymeric compounds. The thesis work was carried out in the research laboratories of Trelleborg Wheel System.