Marialillia Pea is a permanent staff researcher (since 2019) at the Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnology of the CNR (IFN-CNR) in Rome – (Italy).
Degree in Physics (January 2007) from Roma TRE University working on electrical characterization of Si/SiGe based mesoscopic devices. PhD Degree in Physics from Roma TRE University working on material growth, fabrication and characterization of SiGe low dimensional devices based on VI group semiconductors (Ge, Si, SiGe).
Research experience
She held a research fellowship at the National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology Laboratory of the “Scuola Normale Superiore” and Nanoscience Institute of the CNR in Pisa working on III-V semiconductor NWs growth and characterization. She started her scientific activity at IFN-CNR in Rome (2012) as a research fellow. She worked on the development of “high-efficiency energy harvesting nanogenerators based on ZnO nanowires” (research staff member of a national FIRB project 2012-2016) and on “Plasmon-enhanced vibrational circular dichroism” (research staff member of a national PRIN project 2017-2020). She is in charge for the growth and characterization of dielectric materials for IR applications.
She has consolidated expertise in diverse research areas of solid state physics and devices: material growth (dielectric film deposition, semiconducting nanostructures and omo/heterostructures), micro- and nano-fabrication techniques, morphological and electrical characterization of materials and device (SEM, AFM, Conductive -AFM, Low level DC and AC electrical characterization techniques at cryogenic temperature)