Dr Marcella Dell’Aglio is a Chemist with PhD in Chemical Science obtained in 2005. She began her research activity with a fellowship and then a researcher position at Laser Center s.r.l. of Bari (Italy), followed by a post-doc position at CNR-IMIP (Institute of inorganic methodology and plasma) until 2011 when she got a permanent research position at the same institute (after re-named CNR-NANOTEC). Since 2022 she is at CNR-IFN. Her research regards the laser-matter interaction with special emphasis on plasma generation in different environments such as gases and liquids.

Her last research activities are:

  • Laser Induced plasma (LIP) fundamental studies by optical emission spectroscopy
  • Laser-induced breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for qualitative and quantitative analysis of different samples
  • Fundamental studies of nanoparticles production by laser ablation in liquid (PLAL) at different pressures (by optical emission spectroscopy, shadowgraph, absorbance)
  • Employment of NPs in biochemistry (bio-conjugation) and in spectroscopy (Nanoparticle Enhanced LIBS) fields.

Her research activities are documented by several ISI papers (h-index=37, Source Scopus 30/1/2023) and by more than 100 communications (both oral and poster) to international conferences. Part of the research was conducted under funded research projects (CNR and national and international partners). She was a member of organizing committees of some International Conferences (RGD2004, EMSLIBS2009, Chemical Physics of low-temperature plasmas 2011, EMSLIBS2013, LIBS2022). She was the Program chair of LIBS2022 held in Bari. She is an editorial board member of the journals Materials and Applied Science and Guest Editor of Spect. Acta B virtual thematic issue of LIBS2022. She visited several research institutes for national and international collaborations.

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Research activity

Laser Processing for Manufacturing and Diagnostics

Research Unit


Contact Details

c/o Physics Department
Via Amendola 173, 70126 Bari, Italy