CNR-IFN has a consolidated expertise in device development and characterization with a specific focus on micro and nano fabrication processes and lithographic techniques.
CNR-IFN’s work ranges over different fields, from life science and agrifood to quantum technologies, biomedical imaging and bio-sensors, frequency comb technology and glass photonics, just to name a few. The fingerprint of the Institute is the development of fabrication processes through design and characterization of materials and devices. Composed of six Research Units, the institute is equipped with clean rooms and dedicated labs with the state-of-the-art instrumentation for processing of devices and sensors. We have dedicated labs for optical and electrical characterization of the devices using a broad spectrum of techniques (based on semiconductor or superconducting materials, as well as optical glasses and flexible structures ) equipped with several different sources (QCLs at THz frequencies, CW and pulsed lasers in the visible and Nir range, Raman and uRaman, X-Ray, and others) and with GM and pulse-tube cryo-coolers (down to 20 mK) with optical and electrical feed-through.
Below you can find some representative research activities: