Integrated quantum photonics

The use of integrated photonics in quantum optics experiments has been a game-changer toward the possibility of bringing quantum photonic technologies outside the lab and for the development of devices characterized by unprecedented complexity. Integrated quantum photonics (IQP), in fact, provides mechanical and thermal stability and the possibility to integrate in the same chip hundreds to thousands of photonic conponents.

The current effort in IQP is the realization of a complete quantum system in integrated quantum photonics. Such effort encompasses the development of single photon sources, photonic circuits for quantum state manipulation, and single photon detection. The IQP approach will be beneficial for all fields of applications of quantum photonics, i.e. quantum computing, communication, simulation, and sensing.

At IFN-CNR we develop integrated devices for quantum technologies by femtosecond laser writing. This technology allows writing of waveguides in transparent materials, e.g. glasses and crystals, and the creation of cavities in their volume with micrometer resolution.

Current activity targets:

  • Universal quantum photonic processor for quantum computing
  • Integrated quantum memories
  • Photonic components for quantum communications
  • Atomic vapor cells for quantum sensing


On-going projects

  • EU QuantERA PHOMEMTOR on quantum artificial intelligence
  • EU Pathfinder PHOQUSING on photonic quantum sampling machines
  • ERC Adv-Grant QU-BOSS on exploiting nonlinearities to lower the threshold for quantum advantage (PI: Fabio Sciarrino)
  • ERC PoC PHOTONFAB on exploiting femtosecond laser microfabrication for commercial quantum devices
  • ERC Adv-Grant CAPABLE on developing new quantum photonic devices based on femtosecond laser written circuits (PI: Roberto Osellame)


Selected publications

  • M. Spagnolo et al. “Experimental photonic quantum memristor,” Nature Photonics 16, 318-323 (2022).
  • G. Corrielli et al. “Femtosecond laser micromachining for integrated quantum photonics” Nanophotonics 10, 3789-3812 (2021).
  • A. Seri et al. “Quantum Storage of Frequency-Multiplexed Heralded Single Photons” Physical Review Letters 123, 080502 (2019).
  • S. Atzeni et al. “Integrated sources of entangled photons at the telecom wavelength in femtosecond-laser-written circuits” Optica 5, 311-314 (2018).
  • T. Giordani et al. “Experimental statistical signature of many-body quantum interference” Nature Photonics 12, 173–178 (2018).
  • M. Bentivegna et al. “Experimental scattershot boson sampling” Science Advances 1, e1400255 (2015).
  • N. Spagnolo et al. “Experimental validation of photonic boson sampling” Nature Photonics 8, 615-620 (2014).
  • G. Corrielli et al. “Rotated waveplates in integrated waveguide optics” Nature Communications 5, 4249 (2014).
  • A. Crespi et al. “Integrated multimode interferometers with arbitrary designs for photonic boson sampling” Nature Photonics 7, 545-549 (2013).
  • A. Crespi et al. “Anderson localization of entangled photons in an integrated quantum walk” Nature Photonics 7, 322-328 (2013).



People involved:

Staff Researchers

Roberto Osellame

Giacomo Corrielli

Francesco Ceccarelli

Andrea Crespi



Serena Di Giorgio



Roberto Memeo

Ciro Pentangelo

Andrea Zanoni

Riccardo Albiero

Hugo Jorge da Nobrega

Niki Di Giano

Giulio Gualandi


Research Fellows

Marco Gardina


Research units:
