Silvia M. Pietralunga is a Researcher at the Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnologies at Italian National Research Council (CNR-IFN), since 2011. She is Senior Researcher since 2023.

From 1994-to 2011: She graduated (cum laude) in Optoelectronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy in 1993. She got her Ph.D. in Electronic and Communication Engineering in 1998.
She started her career as a photonics engineer, first as an adjunct lecturer at the Dept. of Electronics of Politecnico di Milano, and then with Corecom Lab (1995-2008), a private research consortium co-funded by Pirelli SpA company and Politecnico di Milano. She lately became Principal Investigator and Head of the Materials and Devices Area and Physical Optics Lab.

Her research-and-development activities were related to the processing and switching of signals for fiber-optics communications, with focus on:
-design, realization and test of electrooptical modulators for optical signal at 1500nm, photoconductive and electronic transport phenomena
-Linear and nonlinear optics; optical spectroscopy and ellipsometry
– Evolution of the optical state of polarization in propagation in optical fibers , its dispersion and compensating techniques
-Photoelastic optical tomography for the determination of the stress field and birefringence
-Photon statistics of amplified optical signals and related impact on the performance of transmitted telecom signals.
-Materials science: growth and characterization of nanostructured and hybrid photonic materials; growth of Ge/Si and tellurite glass thin films by magnetron sputtering
-Hybrid integration and packaging of optical and optoelectronic subystems

She was then employed by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (2009-2011),  involved in photovoltaics and photonics for energy applications.

From 2012-to present: With IFN-CNR, she is involved in materials and surface science research, mainly devoted to -but not restricted- energy applications. She collaborates  with the Dept. of Physics of the Politecnico di Milano, to research activities related to Electron Microscopy, Electron Spectroscopy and X-rays spectroscopy.

She has authored more than 100 international publications, in scientific journals and conference proceedings, and she holds 9 international patents.

Projects with IFN-CNR:

In recent years, with CNR-IFN she has been responsible for activities, workpakages or for the CNR-IFN Research Unit  in several national and international research projects, in the areas of Optical Technologies, Physical Optics, and applied photonics

(2013-2015): Project TIMES-” Technologies and materials for an efficienct usage of solar energy”(CNR-Regione Lombardia) ( WP leader )

(2016-2018): Project I-ZEB-Towards smart Zero-Energy Buildings for Smart Cities (CNR-Regione Lombardia).
(2021-2023): Project BEST-4U “Technologies for high-efficiency bifacial 4-terminal solar cells for ‘utility scale” ( WP co-leader and Responsible for IFN-CNR Research Unit)
(2020-2022): Project sPATIALS3- HUB “improving agrifood production and advanced technologies for a healthier, safe and sustainable food” ( Responsible for IFN-CNR Research Unit)

(2023-2024): Project PRIN-PNRR NANOSEES “NANOscale nondestructive spectroscopic mapping of defectS in heterojunction dEvicES – NANOSEES” (Responsible for Activitiy and IFN-CNR Research Unit).

(2024) : Project Proof-of-Concept AMICO2 -BISTROT-“BIfacial SpecTRal splitting Optical concentrator for 4- Terminal photovoltaics” ( Coordinator)


Since 2015 she is also key-person for the Italian Partner in EU networking projects supporting the European Technology Platform & PPP Photonics21:

(2015/2017) H2020-EUROPHO21-“Implementing the European Photonics21 PPP strategy”

(2018/2020) H2020-NextPho21 “Developing and implementing the Next European Photonics21 industrial PPP Strategy”

(2021/2023) H2020-BestphoRM21 “Boosting Europe’s Sovereignty in Technology by driving Photonics from Research to Market – Photonics21”

( 2024/2026) HE – Phorwards21 “Photonics from research to market: Empowering Europe’s strategic autonomy, supporting the green deal and securing resilience – Photonics21”

Scientific Affiliations

Past President IEEE Photonics Society Italy, IEEE Senior Member

OPTICA Senior Member

Academic Teaching

(2006-2007)  Adjunct Professor of Optoelectric Packaging at Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

(2007-2008) Professor of Optoelectric Packaging at IUSS-Pavia (Italy)

(2013-2018) Adjunct Professor of Experimental Physics at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) .

(29018-present) Lecturer of Experimental Physics at Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

She is supervisor and/or co-supervisor of Thesis  in Electronics and Physical Engineering at the M.Sc.and Ph.D. levels.

Linkedin personal page

Scopus Author ID:7004091755


Research Unit


Research activity

Ultrafast spectroscopy

Materials fabrication and characterization

Contact Details

Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies (IFN)
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche of Italy (CNR)
Piazza L. Da Vinci, 32  20133 Milano – Italy
Tel.: + 39 02 2399 6073